Easy Guitar guide for novice

Guitar lesson for beginner

I had struggled much when i started my journey to learn guitar lesson on my own, so i thought it would be a nice idea to make some guide to people like me. It was very hard to learn guitar solely because there would be noone to say if something we are trying is wrong or right. Obviously, learning on my own was such a difficult journey, but at last i thank myself that i sticked to it whole way.

So here are some tips that would pay greatly if you want to learn guitar(it's only for beginners):

1.Make your mind to start the journey
If you are not clear if i should learn guitar or not then that will create great difficulty to even get hold of guitar for 5 minutes. You will basically be frustrated after 5 minutes. Thus, be clear that you want to learn guitar and you will separate some time(at least 10 min) daily. 

2.Don't underestimate the basics
I suffered a lot due to this mistake. When i would be learning to get my finger into position,i would be tempt to go straight ahead to chord and learn a song. And i couldn't play any song. This caused such frustration that i wouldn't play for a whole week thinking it is not my game. So, please control yourself and get a strong understanding and practice of the basics, after you know the basics you will be amazed by how fast you are growing. It's like exponential growth, first it seems very slow then it grows exponential.
3.Talk to someone who has learned guitar on their own
It wouldn't be great to learn all things on our own. When you are not getting anywhere talk to someone and know what you need to learn. I would mostly learn from youtube channel but sometimes i would ask someone to tell me what i need to learn.

So that's all for now. If you have any problems, you can just comment below.

Thank you. :)
